DISCOUNT The perfume sent under this plan is discounted from standard prices by 10% -elope perfume is normally $2926NZ, but the monthly automatic perfume plan will supply at 10% discount, $2633.40NZ.
COMMENCEMENTYour enquiry via the form for this plan is processed (usually within 2 days of receipt) and this monthly automatic perfume plan activates a schedule for the year, with details of reminders and late fees.
DELIVERY 12 parcels of elope perfume will arrive at your door, one each month. NZ delivery is by regular couriers, but to overseas, delivery is by angel-protected courier/logistics company.
ROLL-OVERThis schedule continues for the next year, unless advised by you.
EMAILS Emailed reminders a. Four days before the monthly instalment is due, an email will be sent with easy instructions for payment. Payment is required within 4 days, and upon payment your month's perfume is shipped. Non-payment after 4 days attracts 30% penalty; b. If 7 days elapses with non-payment, the contract terminates and your email is earmarked.